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Singapur Sentosa Singapur Keppel Marina Bay
Singapur Marina  Bay Sands Hotel Singapur Airport Changi
  von aida.de 



Singapur 9   + Stadt + Sky Park +  Night Zoo 23:50

#singapur #singa #pura #airport #love #leiderzuhause #temple #aviation #dubai #changi #baldgehtswiederlos #melittasiomos #travel #happy #travelgram #hamburggram #planespotting #instagood #thaibeer #bachata #plane #model #photography #bali #airplane #sunday #fernweh #puracoin #frankfurt #inmarinabay#marinasands,

Dus BKK 

Singapur Marina Bay

Jurong Bird park singapore is the biggest, largest bird park in the world which have largest collection of Parrots and 380 species of bird

https://www.birdpark.com.sg/ 3-in-1

Jurong Bird Park
Night Safari*  https://www.nightsafari.com.sg/  ab 19;30
Singapore Zoo https://www.zoo.com.sg/

$58 sing dollar Tickets are valid for 30 days from the date of purchase


Little India https://www.singapur-reiseinfo.de/singapur_little_india/singapur_little_india.html

 Flussspziergang , Singapore River Boat Quay und Clarke Quay  Circular Road

Hotel Sky Park  Observation Deck,  https://www.marinabaysands.com/Sands-SkyPark/


29.01.25 Copyright   Dirk  Rauschenbach Koelnerstrasse 293 51702 Bergneustadt  Datenschutzerklaerung   02261 9788972  Mail ccooly( at) web.de