zurück Oman

Al Bustan Hotel Al Hamra Muscat Jebel Akdar Jebel Shams  Nahkl Nizwa Sultanmoschee Sohar  Unterwasserbilder 

Reiseveranstalter Bilder Omanflüge  Ausflüge  Oman   Omankarten  Omanbücher  Omangemälde 

 Die Bustanberge  Am Bustan Strand  Im Hotel Al Bustan  Die Vogelwelt   Die Speisen  Al Bustan Zimmer


Oman is home to some stunning mountain ranges, most notably the Hajar Mountains, which stretch across the northern part of the country. These mountains not only offer spectacular views but also play a significant role in Oman's natural beauty and cultural history. Here are some key details about the mountains and ranges of Oman:

1. Hajar Mountains

2. Jebel Akhdar (Green Mountain)

3. Jebel Shams (Mountain of the Sun)

4. Jebel Akhdar National Park

5. Other Notable Peaks

Importance of the Mountains in Oman:

Overall, the mountains of Oman are essential to its natural beauty and cultural identity, making the region a must-see for nature lovers and adventure seekers.


Traumhotel in den Bergen  https://www.anantara.com/de/jabal-akhdar

Anantara Al Jabal Al Akhdar Resort


11.03.25 Copyright   Dirk  Rauschenbach Koelnerstrasse 293 51702 Bergneustadt  Datenschutzerklaerung   02261 9788972  Mail ccooly( at) web.de